Saturday, July 6, 2013

Amazon's (™) indifference to Australians

amazon™  says no on depositing earnings from various channels like Amazon Marketplace, KDP (Kindle Direct Publisher) etc via EFT (electronic fund transfers to Australian banks ) to Australian publishers. It does not necessarily mean that Aussies cannot earn money on Amazon. On the contrary, they can. But, the problem is getting paid the right amount and at the right time.

The only mode of payment now is thorough check. All hunky and dory till it arrives in about 30-60 days. Laughing all the way to the bank till you know that the bank applies surcharges for international checks in US dollars. Most associates do not earn a lot to justify all of it. Some even lose half of their money in bank fees.
Well, we can change all this easily, if we can. The least we can do is voice our opinion. We have a chance to do it at:

We can use a lot of services to relieve the situation like Payoneer and getting US addresses, but I believe, we are not supposed to use it (read may not be legal). I, being a true Australian, believe in doing the right thing and would not recommend it. I am sure one day, this is all going to change and we will have all the services we need.

Please take some time and do voice your opinions for all Australians. We really love books on Amazon and we love our Kindle™ readers. Give us a chance to publish our e-books and refer like the other countries supported on Amazon.